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Shibin Raju Mathew

Shibin Raju Mathew

Founder & Consultant


Ensuring flawless project delivery with 100% uptime while working remotely.


2024 Timeline:

  • Continued offshore support to Oman client for ERP solutions, AWS, and DigitalOcean.
  • Acquired new clients, expanding the client base.
  • Started providing software services to a UAE-based 3D printing company.
  • Utilized technologies like Electron.js, React, Redux, Express.js, and DynamoDB.
  • Developed an offline desktop application for the client to enhance their business operations.
  • Continued to provide support and maintenance for existing clients.
  • Conducted meetings and consultations with clients to understand their evolving needs and requirements.
  • Explored new technologies and methodologies to improve service delivery and client satisfaction.
  • Implemented new features and updates for the ERP solutions provided to the Oman client.
  • Enhanced the offline desktop application for the UAE-based ship parts building company based on user feedback.


Efficiently moved a major social media platform to a new cloud zone. Completed DevOps tasks for cost-effective server setup. Delivered services to a client in Syria.


We launched our initial offline desktop app. Completed a large-scale email migration from Google to Microsoft for a UAE-based client. Introduced an innovative SaaS-based ERP solution to a client in Oman. Initiated offshore support for a partner company.


Shipped our debut product to Australia. Started providing remote consulting services amid the pandemic. Utilized diverse AWS tools to deliver our services. Finished a web project for a client in Mumbai.


We introduced a stock trading simulator. Completed a seamless bulk data migration. Launched a live streaming mobile app. Deployed a personalized live streaming service using FFmpeg on our cloud servers. Handled multiple e-commerce projects.

Partner companies

Clients From


Oman, UAE, Syria, India



Projects & works

  • Cloud ERP solutions (,
  • Backend of Mobile app for recharge (blueApp by Azinova - Typescript, Express)
  • Real estate social Media ( - Spring boot, ReactJs, AWS),
  • Wordpress & Php (webelabs works),
  • Devops (aws, digital ocean for ERP solutions).
  • Offline Desktop App (Partdigitizer - Immensa: ReactJs, Redux, ElectronJs, ExpressJs)



Java, Spring boot, ExpressJs, ReactJs,React Native, VueJs, Javascript, NodeJs, Php, ElectronJs.


Terraform, Ansible, Jenkins, Docker, Nagios.


Mongodb, Mysql, AWS RDS, Dynamodb

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